# Ivan Meidika Kurnia
My name is [Ivan Meidika Kurnia](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivanmkurnia/), a global health practitioner. Currently working at the Tony Blair Institute, while studying Global Health Policy at LSHTM. A medical doctor by background, but no longer practising medicine.
# What this site is
This site is a collection of my digital garden: evolving thoughts, ideas, and challenges on health sector I'm trying to understand and connect with broader life's experience, and if I can, solve it in real world. This site embodies my internal struggle to understand the world's problem in health policy sector, the tension between individual liberty and population cohesion, government right to intervene, and where to draw the line.
# Belief and Guiding Principles
I'm a Christian. I am a firm believer in the value of human life—right from the conception, equality of rights for each individual human being to receive the highest quality of healthcare as the medical world progresses. However, I understand the tension that [[Scientific knowledge generation does not automatically translate into (policy) solutions and practices]].
# Disclaimer
The main audience of these notes is myself — as I collect notes to, primarily, understand myself, and secondly, to understand the world.